Return-It is encouraging pubs, clubs and bars to collect beer bottles, beer cans, as well as soft drink containers in its ongoing bid to improve recycling through its new Commercial Returns Program.

To make it as easy as possible for licensed venues to return and recycle eligible containers, Return It provides a recycling experience that changes the way commercial customers recycle, with the aim to support them in reducing waste management costs and reward them for their efforts. The initiative is designed to provide an easy way to return containers while helping the environment and the community.

The drop off points allow individuals or businesses to easily deliver recyclable materials, such as bottles, containers and other plastic items. Each eligible item will attract a refund of 10c, which the deliverer can either keep, or opt to donate to one of Return-It’s benefitting organisations.  Commercial partners can choose to select a charity to receive a donation on their behalf based on the containers collected from their sites.

Return-It is dedicated to helping our customers ‘create a habit’ and is committed to reducing the number of recyclable items ending up in landfill. Subject to understanding the needs of each commercial customer, we may be able to provide the following as part of our partnership:

* 240 litre purple wheelie bins
* 1100 litre bulk bins
* Dedicated signage for kitchen bin areas
* Launch event – promoting the building as a commercial client
* Digital marketing toolkits to ensure support from staff on site
* Monthly reporting with total weights, number of containers collected and recycled
* Collection of containers – service frequency to be determined based on volume
* Rebates paid to you or directly to a charity partner of your choice

For more information on how your pubs, clubs and bars can get involved, register below.