Recycling Week 13-20th Nov 2023

A Celebration for Return-It and our Wider Recycling Community

At Return-It, every week is a celebration of recycling, but there’s something special about Recycling Week that resonates deeply with our mission and the broader Australian Container Deposit Schemes we partner with around the country. This week serves as a important reminder of the collective impact we can have on our environment when we prioritize recycling and sustainable practices.

Recycling Week is not just a date on the calendar for Return-It, it’s a meaningful reminder of our shared commitment to sustainability. It’s a time to amplify our efforts, raise awareness, and celebrate the strides we’ve collectively made as a company in reducing waste and repurposing materials.

Contributions and Commitment to Sustainability

By actively participating in and supporting container deposit initiatives, Return-It contributes to the creation of inclusive and sustainable urban environments. The establishment of convenient and accessible return points for containers promotes a cleaner, safer, and more resilient urban landscape. This initiative not only reduces litter and environmental impact but also fosters a sense of community engagement and responsibility. Return-It’s collaboration with the container deposit scheme plays a pivotal role in building cities that prioritize sustainability, offering a practical solution to waste reduction and aligning with the broader global efforts to create resilient and eco-conscious urban spaces.

Promoting Environmental Consumption and Production

Ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns including the return and recycling of beverage containers, Return-It actively promotes responsible consumption habits and discourages wasteful practices. The initiative encourages a circular economy, where materials are recycled and reused, aligning with the goal’s vision of sustainable production and consumption. Return-It’s commitment to efficiently managing the lifecycle of containers not only reduces the environmental impact of waste but also sets a precedent for sustainable business practices. Through this collaboration, Return-It exemplifies a commitment to fostering consumption patterns that prioritize environmental stewardship, laying the foundation for a more sustainable and mindful approach to resource use and waste management.

Educating and Inspiring the Community

One of the key reasons why Recycling Week is crucial for Return-It and CDS across Australia is the opportunity it provides to educate and inspire the community. Through various initiatives, events, and campaigns, we aim to foster a deeper understanding of the importance of recycling and its positive impact on the environment. From school programs to community workshops, recycling initiatives offer a genuine platform for spreading awareness and empowering individuals to make informed choices.

Acknowledging Achievements and Milestones

Recycling Week is a time to acknowledge and celebrate the achievements and milestones reached by Return-It and our partnerships with schemes such as Containers For Change and CDS Vic. It’s a chance to reflect on the positive changes brought about by our collective actions—whether it’s the number of containers recycled, the reduction in litter, or the support from our communities. Recognizing these accomplishments fuels our determination to continue pushing the boundaries of sustainable practices.

Focussing on Collaboration and Innovation

This week highlights the collaboration and innovation we’ve witnessed within the recycling community. Return-It actively engages with partners, stakeholders, and the public to explore new ideas and strategies that can elevate recycling efforts. It’s a time to celebrate innovative solutions and to inspire others to contribute to the ongoing evolution of recycling practices.

Encouraging Public Participation

Most importantly, we’d like to take this opportunity to encourage active public participation and invite the general public to become part of the recycling movement, reinforcing that every small action contributes to a more sustainable future. Whether it’s returning containers to a nearby depot, participating in community clean-ups, attending a local family day event or simply spreading the word to family and friends on social media, the week offers us a reminder of how important people are to creating momentum towards positive change.

A Message From Our CEO

We’d like to take this opportunity to share this message from our CEO Marc Churchin.

“As the CEO of Return-It, I am honoured to support and celebrate Recycling Week, as it aligns with our commitment to environmental sustainability. Our partnership with container deposit schemes around Australia exemplifies our dedication to fostering sustainable consumption and production patterns. By encouraging responsible consumer behaviour and actively participating in the circular economy, we contribute to a world where every recycled container is a step toward a more sustainable future.”

“Return-It not only sees recycling as an environmental imperative but also as a catalyst for creating safer, more inclusive cities. “I take immense pride in driving our business to support a more sustainable, safer and inclusive society. Our collaboration with container deposit schemes not only aligns with our environmental focus as a company but actively contributes to forging cities that are environmentally sustainable. By fostering accessible and convenient container return points, we not only enhance urban cleanliness but also instil a sense of community responsibility, collaboration and connection.”

A Week Of Reflection

Recycling Week holds immense significance as a week of reflection for Return-It as it magnifies the impact of our collective commitment to sustainability. It’s a time to educate, celebrate, innovate, and most importantly, to inspire a greener, cleaner future. We invite everyone to join us in this celebration of recycling and to embrace the power each of us holds to make a meaningful difference. Together, we can create a world where recycling isn’t just a week-long event—it’s a way of life.