In one single drop, Rolleston State High School recycled 50,000 containers in the largest single return by a school through the Containers for Change container refund scheme (CRS).

The mammoth return was made at the Return-It Depot in Emerald, with P&Cs QLD reporting it as the largest single return made by a school since the scheme launched in November 2018. The containers were donated to Rolleston State School by Takarakka Bush Resort at Carnarvon National Park.

CEO of P&Cs QLD, Kevan Goodworth says he is thrilled to see local schools like Rolleston State School benefit as a result of corporate community groups supporting them by providing large container drops.

He further praised students and the local community for getting behind the school and helping to collect containers eligible for refund.

“It’s absolutely superb to see schools like Rolleston getting involved. I mean 50,000 containers from corporate bodies and local groups going into schools like Rolleston with just 61 students is a big deal,” said Kevan.

“50,000 containers equates to $5,000 for the school, meaning for schools like Rolleston, just a few returns of this size made in a year could see classrooms airconditioned while offering the chance for other benefits as well.

“We always perceived that once we could get corporate partners involved, we always thought schools could benefit greatly, so to see this happening is something we are very pleased about.”

According to Managing Director of Re.Group David Singh, state schools recycling containers through the CRS will not only benefit from the extra windfall gained in refunds but also improve their reputations as environmentally responsible communities.

“Since the launch of the Container Refund Scheme in November 2018, we’ve been impressed by how willing the schools have been to get involved in recycling eligible containers through Return-It facilities in a bid to raise funds for their schools,” said David.

For more information on the Container Refund Scheme, head to

For more information on the P&Cs Qld pilot program, visit